This is an urgent notification in regards to a woman who has now crossed the line and done the unthinkable. We at Mamzer Alert were very saddened to hear about the recent union of Tamar Epstein with her new boyfriend Mr Adam Fleischer. This tragic act of joining together a halachically married woman with a partner who is not her husband was consummated through Rabbi Nota Greenblatt, and with the approval of Rabbi Shmuel Kamentsky. We at Mamzer Alert condemn in the strongest terms possible this adulterous travesty, which encompasses nothing less than the utter trampling upon and total disregard for our holy Torah's marriage laws. The public needs to be aware that any of her future offspring will be considered mamzerim. See http://daattorah.blogspot.co.il/2015/10/tamar-epstein-rav-gestetner-condemns.html
Yaakov Bender with his Frak was seen in Court last week to defend a frum molester pedophile, not surprised.
Once again Reb Nuta did nothing wrong:
If she was a married woman the kedushin were not chahl (not effective). Thus nothing occurred.
And if she was single (divorced) the all is OK
the eishes ish story is old news. the question is why sholom is still considered accepted. Last year he was mattir a kohen to marry a giyores. For get about how that hetter was total garbage, but before that who in the world let sholom sit on a beis din?
Your headline is incorrect. "As per" would mean that Sholom & his father are rightfully calling Tamar hazoyna a moiredes & the now multiple children mamzerim - which nothing could be further from the truth when this Cult figure father & son are the architects of this gigantic pirtzah in the kedushah & integrity of Klal Yisroel. Sholom even sits on the Board of the Modern Orthodox Philly day school that enrolled the mamzerim with open arms. Old R' Shmuel sits down to fraternize with the zoyna & her tzveiter "husband" at the annual dinner of the Kamenetsky controlled Philly Community Kollel. Filthy Philly continues to make a mockery of the Torah, of the oylam hayeshivos of R' Dovid Feinstein, of the Baltimore beis din, of the Hisachdus beis din, of the Karlsburg beis din, of the Freimaner beis din & of the many gedolim on 3 continents who were moiche bichsav against Philly's mamzerus scheme!
Ceasefire Now! Machoah against Yudel for daring to speak up! All Pesulei Yichus are in this together!
Does R' Yudel, or anyone, hold there is maybe a kernel of emess in R' Uri Deutsch farentering for the Agudah Convention and Toms River roidfei gashmiyus? Or did he completely misapply vos maint bnei Melochim?
more heteirim from the same clowns
Hey, I heard that Sholom is currently being rodef all sorts of rabbonim to not come out against his kohen "psak." Sholom forged a russian letter, and was caught red-handed, so he has no choice but to threaten. Reliable sources say he openly threatened R Malkiel and R Forcheimer.
Make enough noise & Pinny Lipschutz will have to revert to smokescreen mode, fly R' Shmuel overseas to get his picture taken with the gedolei Eretz Yisroel to fill up the Yated centerfold with again.
Yechee Adoinainu Moirainu Verabbeinu Shmuel Melech Hamoshiach L'Oylam Vo'ed!
This guys list of LOR is lang vee deh goolis. Zohl shoin zahen deh ge’ilah.
There is a Kohen scandal newer than Bunim? What are the protim?
Mamzerus Shmamzerus. The ikker is that the women are always right. Don't worry Philly, your allies won't abandon you in the face of this onslaught from Yudel & a few more old fashion rabbis. The cavalry is coming! Participating battalions from YCT, JTS, ORA, URJ, YU, Gital D., Traditional movement, Kyle Deschanel Dodelson miBais Rothschild, Footsteps, Star K, the Prodfather, George Soros, Lancaster yeshiva, Hillary Clinton, Gimpel "Zelche Makkos" Wolmark, Iggud Haganovim, IBD, AY Kirsch, Manny Rackman, Adin Shteinzaltz, Avi Weiss, Yankel Bender (Frock included), Avi Kahan, Andrew Cuomo, Leib Tropper, Joe Biden, Ezra Friedlander (for a small price), AOC, Avi Schnall, Elizabeth Warren, Seth Farber, Mordechai Tendler
Did anyone scan online the Gorelick kuntress against Philly?
who is the more important victim here? The Agudah or the whole Toms river shtudt? Which one can't afford but desperately want to be part of?
Has Lipschutz started making the rounds again for Sholom? When the gedolim worldwide were signing to threaten a cherem altz Tamar (before the stunt that his father pretended to be "machniyeh" to R' Dovid Feinstein), any gadol whose signature you didn't see was because PL popped in unannounced to twist their arms & sit on their heads to pressure them not to. The poor guy must have worn out his hoizen!
Who was he defending?
Didn’t know the Free Fresser (wishes it was Agudah - no food at Dirshu) has such a long list with Pope Paulie - West Coast Raisonette Cult Chassidim.
לכל מבקשי האמת,
As many know, a number of weeks ago various אינשי דלא מעלי publicized a forged letter from Rabbi Forchheimer, and even added a fictitious date to it to make believe it was written on כ"ו חשון תשפ"ה as a response to the kuntres 'Kesser Kehunah' written by R' Chaim Tzvi Hakohen Gorelick. In addition, they wrote a letter saying that Rabbi Forchheimer was גובה עדות on the topic, with the intent of deceiving the tzibbur that Rabbi Forchheimer paskened that its muttar for .מ.ב. הכהן ל. to marry a גיורת.
Rabbi Forchheimer has since told numerous Rabbanim that the above letter was tampered with (e.g. they pulled out one line out of context from an old letter he since retracted from, and made believe it was written as its own letter by itself etc) and the above mentioned date was forged, and in Rabbi Forchheimer's words: "It is a !זיוף גמור".
He also made it very clear that he never was גובה עדות, and nor did he ever pasken that its muttar for מ.ב. הכהן to get married.
Recently, Sholom Kamenetsky harassed, intimidated, and manipulated Rabbi Forchheimer into giving him a letter שלא כרצונו and בעל כרחו ממש.
In Rabbi Forchheimer's words: "He bulldozed me over". (!!אוי לאוזניים שכך שומעות! רח"ל)
עד כדי כך, that Rabbi Forchheimer called up Sholom Kamenetsky at 5 o'clock in the morning (!) and told him that he must give back the letter and doesn't give him reshus to use it.
ברוב חוצפתו ועזותו Sholom Kamenetsky flatly refused.
(In general, Sholom Kamenetsky has been harassing, terrorizing, and threatening various Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshiva with personal threats if they "dare" come out against the hetter given, ואכמ"ל.)
Not only that, but he is going around and showing the letter to various Rabbanim and trying to get them to sign onto it. He even told one Rov that Rabbi Forchheimer himself was on the Bais Din and paskened that the Laskins are not kohanim and that it's muttar for .מ.ב. to marry a גיורת.
Rabbi Forchheimer called up this Rov himself and told him that he was not part of the Bais Din and never paskened that it's muttar, and clarified what he really holds. He explained that he was originally told false information a year ago, but has since heard new information and testimony proving that what he previously heard is not true, and today he tells people that they can לכתחלה use the Laskins for פדיון הבן.
(Needless to say, the abovementioned Rov was speechless when he heard how Sholom Kamenetsky flatly lied to him במילתא דעבידא לאיגלויי...)
In light of the above, Rabbi Forchheimer felt the need to clarify his opinion on the topic and wrote the attached letter.
קושטא קאי שיקרא לא קאי....
Any opposition or skepticism to the Supreme word of our Roshei Yeshiva simply will not be tolerated. Our comrade who submits his many letters each week to the Yated, both bishmoi and anonymously, must get to work immediately to warn you blasphemers with his finger wagging lectures! While talmidei Philly are furious that he may have signed misleading initials & location when recently having outed the shvache Philly boys who had to settle on either being "ehrliche baal habatim" or not being able to keep up in BMG, we have to put our differences aside for this Divine call to action!
"Who was he defending?"
Yankel Bender jumped into the ambatya rosachas for Jake (Yaakov) Walden who is a major $ contributor to Bender's Darchei Torah. This is not just the old story of the Agudah shnit covering up for a pedophile because Federal agents also caught Walden with illegal recordings of mishkav beheimah. Even those stooping the lowest in the Agudah cover up network have never gone to bat for someone azoy morally corrupt! The Judge must have really been wondering if Bender has any shame because Walden additionally continued being roidef underage maydelach during pre-trial release!
Paysach’s grand reentrance in the public eye was this past week in a speech at a very apropos venue: Yankel Bender’s place
The judge said….stronger than Toiras Moisha (BM).
Illegal recordings…. Our host has the most experience then anyone out there of to do stuff undercover and claim that this is the best proof.
When you tried it was turned down in spite of him being you landsman.
He’s not a molester - he’s a pedo with a real addiction issue
B”H. There is only one and one only mamzeres in the whole Jewish community (No Mamzairim Todah La’kail) since the Cuban Yamato’s and the Yudel watch had this one and only mamzeres - no mamzairim - under control.
I couldn't make it so I made a Lechaim together with the ORA bullhorn crew.
What does Reb Gershon Bess have to do with this story?
(I am sorry, I don't know how to write in the לישנא בישא language of this comment area)
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