Matzos 5785
1- Room
cleaned out completely from any dough pieces, flour dust etc. “a chometz free
2- Only
Yoshon wheat [sometimes they add spring wheat to add gluten]. More whole wheat
in mix, less water. Note: a dry crumbly dough could handle a hot oven 1000F +.
The dough must be worked out very well to become very pliable, so the velgerers
can easily roll out a thin large matzo. We’ll use the flour with added “Rozoveh”
that works best with the least amount of water. 40% water ratio to flour
3- Without
Finners, it’s very hard to work out the dough be very pliable, unless they use
more water which causes many other problems.
4- Another
Finner table, so the finning will be longer and a more pliable dough. The
knetter & Finner are the first ones finished by the 18-minute break, so
they should start earlier, same in the morning at first “ma’irah”. All finning
tables to be used, smaller mairos. Too often matzo dough piles up by the
reddler table- corrective solution needs to be implemented??
5- Change
bowl & gloves between every mayrah-even first 3.
6- Change
water cup every time. (the one that pours water into flour) as it may splash
flour onto the cup.
7- Plastic
sleeve on vacuum, by the “knetter”.
8- Finning
tables & finning bars should be wiped with a dry towel in between every
dough. [by a chabura person]
9- By
the finning-always go down to bottom with the finner bar, to prevent folds,
hand roll into a log.
10- The
aluminum dough divider, must be changed after every dough, wiped clean (not
over table) & checked.
11- They
should be cut equal size.
12- We’ll
have people to work the dough pieces after it’s cut.
13- The
edges should be the same thickness as the rest not a thicker rim.
14- Matzo
dough should have a moisture percentage of 18% +-
15- Rolling
pins should not be kept under the arm. Rolling pins should not leave room.
16- Sufficient
of sticks that take the matzos to the oven, so we don’t have to reuse any
during the 18 minutes.
17- Burn
out the redlers & the bowls the night before or that morning early.
18- Reddler
paper to move a bit quicker.
19- No
waiting at the redling table, straight into oven -1-2 or 3 matzos- prefer sets
of 2 matzos at a time, there will be less burned ones
20- 9-10-
to the pound
21- Even
steel will b end when hot, therefore if the matzo bends does not necessarily
mean it’s not baked well, chech the moisture percentage if it’s in the range of
2%, it’s fully baked.
22- If
need be, lower the oven temp, unless water or other adjustments can be made.
[water 40% +-]
23- No
matzo is to be moved around from place to place in the oven; once it’s picked
up it should be removed completely.
24- The
matzo shouldn’t be kept at the oven door after baking, to dry out.
25- Clean
boards by oven to put matzos on when removing from oven.
26- Reddler
table should be moved further from oven room door, if need be.
27- No
outsiders at any time during our baking time. No room & it’s a shter to the
28- We
can check at packing for burnt matzos, kefulos & remove them.
29- Silica gel packs supplied by customer, to be put into each
box inside the plastic bag.