Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Turkish fake honey production on the rise



Anonymous said...

A Queens Vaad mashgiach whose negligence in knowingly allowing kashrus violations was such an embarrassment even beyond all the sanctioned corruption of Shoinfeld & Shvartz that the vaad actually fired him, has given up or maybe was dumped from his NY shul and has opened a new shul in Florida where he promotes himself as former senior mashgiach of Queens Vaad

Anonymous said...

OK what happened ? You didn’t get shishy in Florida???

Philly Robot said...

The arrogant nudnik Baal Shtuss who floods the Yated with way too many letters to the Editor, both bishmoi & anonymously, was seemingly in it just for his own kovod. But judging from one of his more recent scribblings of Shtussim you have to wonder if he might have become a tool for Sholom and the vast Drexel conspiracy to take control of everything else on top of the previous conquests of Agudah, TU, the Beis din that champions pesulei yichus, etc. This recent beef of the Baal Shtuss is that rabbonim are no good. They live far from the shul or they don’t want to posken or can’t posken, etc. Therefore, the Baal Shtuss is proposing to upstage all rabbonim by implanting a posek in every community. Could this be Sholom’s biggest Coup d’Etat yet????

Spotlight on the Queens Vaad said...


Here's an 'upstanding' member of Young Israel of Holliswood, Queens - who has a long history of criminal & underhanded activity - dealing in goods without the permission of the people they belong to, namely goyish wine that is assur b'hanoah!


The rabbi of the Holliswood shul is not only touting his criminal member as a swell guy, but also a letz who went in gantzen off to technically become a Meshumod. Rabbi Moshe Taub, who also hocks at Ami, should know better than to totally gloss over Jackie Mason fully leaving the fold to instead tout Mason as a member of the rabbonus & as a nunter of R' Moshe Feinstein. If it wasn't bad enough that both pulpits Mason held were Conservative by the time he was running around with his MTJ teudah in 1954, Mason was no malach in Even Haezer either. After a long sordid history of cheating on his wife with other women which was recorded attentively by the media, he was openly living with a goya!

Anonymous said...

Ways to home test honeys legit

Anonymous said...

FDA about honey India did the best go figure, were they paid off.

Qveens said...

Upgelernt fun Joel Shoinfeld who infamously tried to cover up when Brooklyn rabbunim called to complain about a Queens Vaad caterer providing yayin nesech at simchas altz the Vaad giving total free pass to the goyish hall & bartender to dole out trinken vee Haman Harasha. As far as Hollis Vood it's a sick place overpopulated by Moderneh who ran away from Kew Gardens Hills because even YCC yeshivishkeit that is watered down 25x is too much for them. Many of them have major sinah for bnei Torah that they don't shter zich to vocalize it. (Waiting for the mashgiach "You Know Who', who never misses an opportunity to cover up for OU-Agudah-Qveens Vaad to furiously type away "Vus? The Modernah didn't give you Shlishi in Yunge Izrael de Hollis Vood?")

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

https://harvestclub.localrootsnyc.com/blogs/news/how-to-spot-the-imposter-real-honey-vs-fake-honey#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20up%20to%2076,of%20honey's%20many%20health%20benefits. are the haimishe brands & bingo's brands lefit?

Anonymous said...

"Philly robots" - that's a good one which describes them to a tee!

"rabbonim are no good" - isn't that poshut that they've long had this sick shita? Dozens of the robots who are roshei mosdos signed to attack the gedolim worldwide because they dared challenge their alter anteh-vaxx guru when he tried to force his Mamzerus Scam.

"Baal Shtuss" is another good one but he's more cynical & calculating than he is tzefoigent. Everyone knows it's him when he pretends he's not the mechaber of additional letters that are unsigned. Then he wonders why Lipschutz won't make him a columnist. How do the other robots still tolerate his Yated letters when he started pushing in the name of R' Elya last month - supposedly as a Ploini writing from a city other than Lakewood - that many talmidei Philly are shvach who can't hack it even if they manage to get accepted to BMG? He's the Miskabeid bikloin chaveiro guy with that & with all of his stupid letters that boil down to the same gaavah that everyone is b'shot nefesh until he rides in as the Maggid Hador to instruct you all how to fix your lives. Pretty good imaginary job description for himself when he's just a Chumash melamed. I know he hates being viewed as a poshutteh melamed but I'm just quoting Lipschutz alein who described the nudnik as such in his lead editorial when the nudnik wrote a letter that the Yated is neglecting a minhag of R' Elya.

Thornhill said...

It’s a no brainer that the Queens rabbi is putting a positive spin on all that. Just the fact that he took over in that neighborhood tells you a lot. The previous neighborhood rabbi is the YU “rosh yeshiva” Penner who is on a campaign to normalize toyevah because his son who grew up in that Young Israel is “married” to a man. The current rabbi under this site’s microscope is brother of a wife abuser & son of a “rabbi” thrown out of the rabbonus for reasons that might not be up for discussion on a G rated website. Before that the father covered up for more than one child molester. He also took for a mechuton one of the most infamous ganovim in history, the L.P. character who also sold “kosher” sandwiches composed of treif meat & cheese.

ANOICHEE said...

The Philly Letters to Editor Maniac is dangerous if he’s given any power. He’s got a Gadol Complex. Watch him carefully, he acts as if he’s in the running to get crowned at the Moetzes before Sholom is. Even when he’s not publicly swiping at parents for not shtupping him with enough gratuities or jealously baredding wealthy people who don’t share their largesse with him, much of his commentary has been krum. The case was made that a piece he wrote supposedly al pi Rambam was even kefira! This 4th grade melamed goes on road trips trying to imitate the Rav Shteinman chizuk visits to America. The mosdos should keep him away from the kids!

Der Chapper said...


Shame on Rabbi Lander who is chapping NYC $$$ to provide Touro real estate as a base for illegal migrants

Anonymous said...


cRc Chicago cholov treifah