Sunday, February 09, 2025

When they scream דעת תורה, I don't know what it is, but דעת תורה it definitely isn't. Bi'shaim Reb Dovid Soloveitchik, Z"L


Anonymous said...

Never a direct quote.Of course.
Never a verifiable quote either.
Must be Yudelstake. Blog

Anonymous said...

And a quote from someone who is not available to verify/deny/acknowledge…..

Anonymous said...

You know that many zogs from Brisk are not bichsav so stop gaslighting. Gedolim older than RDS have said things along the same lines (alter Klausenberger Rebbe & R’ Zelig Epstein). Not that you care when your only agenda is to bash & attempt to discredit R’ Yudel.

Qveens said...

Vus iz mit the favorite Palestinian Arab shlachthoiz of Chaim Schwartz & Spiegel in Jamaica, Qveens?

Anonymous said...

it is bi'kisav, I've seen it the other day.

Anonymous said...

If it ain’t brisk tateh daas tairah then it ain’t Daas. Period.
There is nothing but Brisk.
So it makes a lot of sense (brisket sense) that if you say daas tayrah then it not.

Anonymous said...

For real daas Taurah there is only 1 address.
Hang out there until you know who shows up (the wait is never long) and he will give you all daas Tarah’s from every religion except Jewish.

Cohen said...

R ZE was even stronger than that

Anon said...

Did I understand this Right ?? If Reb Dovid Screamed it was Dass Toirah ( In other words from deh Tatteh) then it really Wasn't ????

Kay Gee said...

The upgerissener naar OU mashgiach found a new opportunity to jealously bash Brisk. He must be putting together material for his next droosheh up in Malden. Amerikanner who don't know what's going on are the only ones falling for his biased, retarded propaganda besides the Rebbelah that no one heard of.

Anonymous said...

You mean like this ?