UPDATE: THE ONLY BRAND THAT IS CONSISTENTLY FREE OF INFESTATION IS POS'TIV & KOSHER GARDEN ( Blossom w/CRC Hisachdus only- without any other heimish hashgocha) Many heimishe hashgochas have an agenda against Pos'tiv product, therefore they prefer the infested brands.
Matzav.com has received an advisory from the Va’ad HaKashrus of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway, which is guided by Rav Yosef Eisen, claims to be an expert in insect infestation. (Factually, he isn't an expert in infestation)
The Vaad advises that there is a report of very high infestation in fresh red cabbage. Small white insects can only be detected if the cabbage is opened on top of a light box. This is extremely tedious and impractical.
The following sources are acceptable to be used: Pos'tiv Cabbage, Romaine, lettuce and all other of their items
Red cabbage from whole heads may not be used until the end of August. END of article
Note: The bugs don't know when August ends, nor can they read "insect-free"
Red cabbage always had an insect issue albeit less then the green or white cabbage.
Radicchio, scallions, dried figs, strawberries even frozen, raisins, frisee, fresh corn on the cob, arugala, watercress, fresh herbs are all infested.
The issue is that Mashgichim in general and some of the so called experts are not trained properly to check for infestation. A little knowledge can be very dangerous. Knowing somewhat more than others doesn't make one a renowned expert.
The J &R distributors and R&S BROWN BROS. that distribute the dole product with Star-k, KAJ, Gruber, Shutz, Rappaport, etc certified product is being machshil the tzibur, as it's often infested.
When a KAJ, Gruber mashgiach checks a minute amount of samples on the Dole and finds it infested, he doesn’t put the yellow KAJ-Gruber stickers. J&R puts on the other stickers, Rapport, Shutz, etc knowing full well that it’s infested.
Therefore according to Halacha “hoitzei-neveilah-mitachas-yudoi” one may not purchase ANY product through J&R, as they are machshil the Tzibur.The ONLY reliable system in checking for infestation is called the “Postive-system”.
One does not need a light box to see the insects, but it does help. They can be seen by the naked eye, but it’s easier on a light box. See Mishnah berurah (pesach) bring the Chasam sofer “You must use MUMCHIM to inspect vegetables or don’t use the vegetables” end of quote. The Chasam Sofer said this every year in his Shabbos Hagodol drasha.The mumchias is to be able to see infestation even though it's camouflaged.
Bodek relies on mathematical cheshbonos which is good for acturary type of calculations, but in insects people want actually clean without cheshbonos.
RYE knows there are problems which he has told bnei Torah. He even referred to this company as the bags with bugs. The 5 Towns pulpit rabbis however are putting a figurative gun to his head, threatening to fire him if he makes a single move in opposition to Belsky & the more current "heter" manufacturers. The adam gadol R' Elya Rominek ztl when he was still among us made a special trip to Israel to shrey to the gedolim over how the pulpit rabbis, who are solely interested in chanfening their fresser shul members who don't appreciate anyone limiting their fress menus, are manipulating RYE & the Vaad with gangsterei.
Seems like Romnick Z'L didn't get anywhere. Otherwise Reb Yudel Shlit'a Would have all the letters and the 'Ill scream with you' Propaganda.
Reb Yudel still may be right but without those 'plakatehn' this post is a waste.
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