(Re: How to run a successful Kashru$ Organization)
From a comment;
What’s the story with the Milchiger = Kosher? Corrupt Restaurant in Howell NJ behind Amazing Savings called Ottimo Cafe?
They have the KCL = Stands for Kosher? Corrupt?? Lousy no hashgocho?
They have the KCL = Stands for Kosher? Corrupt?? Lousy no hashgocho?
Do they have a mashgiach temidei, the one I saw who claimed to be the Mashgiach temedei looked like a Am Ha’aretz and a Shaygetz with a Pepsi Yamalka. When I spoke with the KCL, the guy who answered the phone realized I had a point, and I told him there are serious Kashruth violations in the KCL when a restaurant does not have hashgochoh temedis. He did not answer when I asked him how often does the KCL administrators make unannounced check ups at this establishment.
During the time I was there, one and a half hours,, no Jew/yid stepped foot in the kitchen and goor heimisher and chassidische yidden went there and ate. There was a large function in the back hall of this place. A simcha and who is asking questions? What a Shanda and scandel.
Who does bedikas Toylay’im at this establishment? Suggest people should be more vigilant when frequenting “Kosher” establishments who don’t have any standards for hashgochoh. May tghe KCl who I understand now, has no standards and is totally hefker.
Name change # 1
6 more to go.
I would only use KCL if Yudel says their not ok they have my approval!
The owners of Lakewood food establishments all say,
KCL is the best hashgocha money could buy.
They say, pay the protection money on time to kcl, and you could do whatever you want-cha'llas
12:54 pm holds that the gesheften giving the chulent bribes to Wiesner are more mehadrin than stam KCL
Yudel is just as vulnerable as Wieser.
Don’t fool yourself.
Each does t in his own style.
Here we go again with the disgruntled losers who never miss an opportunity to slander R' Yudel as a shoichad chapper. If such a thing happened even once the story with details would have leaked out.
So 5:46 pm, which lousy hashgocho or account do you have shaychus to that R' Yudel exposed your fraudulent behavior?
Sun Jul 23, 09:08:00 PM 2023
Thank you for letting the world know that Yudel is the only 'yakker' not taking shoichad.
Also ...the cops are on the way.... or ...the check is in the mail...c also does apply to all except Yudel.
If you can dish it out you have to be able to take it....
If anyone can claim that they gave Yudel bakshish unter der tisch, I can guarntee you, it's still there.
Ouch. Ouch! OUCH!!
Does the Truth really hurt THAT MUCH ???
If one had to conclude based on this site's offerings it would be Apathy - hands down.
If Yudel is not taking shoichad then it’s a bigger kashia why he establishs a place not kosher by NOT seeing something ???
Lo raeenu aino rayia.
What does 'looked like an am ha'aretz' even mean? Did he wear a long jacket, have a white beard, and have no idea which way up to hold a Shulchan Aruch? Did he bleat about 'mesorah' because he had no idea how to learn?
If you wear a chasidish “rehkel” but are a litvish type and a bit obese that may qualify for a Grubbeh Am HaOoretz.
If you prefer Coke vs Pepsi don't blame the Mashgiach.
Also if you not happy why were you there for 1 1/2 hrs ?? For not eating thats a long time for Bittul Tairah.
So you just stayed to write this post. OK. But all you found was Pepsi and not Coke, your favorite.
Just trying to understand this lovely Post.
Walking to taxi is almost like walking home
Now that bowery has closed, where is this abundance of lettuce coming from? The kcl seems to be suddenly giving hashgocho on "checked" lettuce all over town.
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