Their Meat is Solomon's, Alle (N. American), Continental, (Satmar-Toronto),
Our Recommended poultry is only the following;
KJ (Kiryas Joel), BirdsBoro (Mehadrin), Marvid w/ CRC, Pella.
All those requiring "Bais-Yosef" meat should be aware the Evergreen does wash down thoroughly all of their equipment before doing the Bais-Yosef.
If you are in Monsey, NY?
Please notify the new Evergreen supermarket to remove the Fresh express salads even w/ sticker, as it isn't reliable to be used for a kosher consumer due to infestation.
So Evergreen falls for Yudels shtik.
He's new and looking for every and any person who says "you co-operate with me and the customers will 'shpatzeer' right in".
Just wait until he has to start paying the fees.
i have a question for them
when are they starting to build their lakewood supermarket by destroying the chateau grand, sitting there like a haunted house?
Is the Rabbanut of Bnei Brak under Rabbi Shlomo Korach reliable?
I don't know if I should be very disappointed with Adwe or not. Their Dr. Fisher line imported from Israel had a funny symbol with this Rabbi Korach that I never heard of before. I asked a rov and he told he is sure that anything that Adwe is doing must be a heimishe hashgocho. Then I found out that Rabbi Korach (what a name!) is the Rabbanut but that Adwe makes sure to leave out any mention of the Rabbanut when presenting it to consumers. They are even doing this for Pesach products.
When Adwe itself switched hashgochos a few years ago, was that due to any kashrus concern?
The Hatzlocha supermarket doesn't carry the alle mealmart empire chicken, only CRC and KJ.
Last week, Poland's parliament banned shechita of un-stunned animals – effectively outlawing shechita. As European rabbonim meet, a Chabad front organization calls for the Polish chief rabbi's head.
Yeshiva World reports:
The European Jewish Congress (EJC), the Conference of European Rabbis (CER) & representatives of the Polish Jewish community will hold an emergency meeting today in Brussels. The discussions center on how to respond to the failure of the Polish Government to push through legislation which protect rights to carry out shechita.
Piotr Kadlčik, President of the Polish Jewish community flew into Brussels to meet with the EJC & CER. Poland’s Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich participated via video link.
“The issue of shechitah is now at the forefront of our responsibilities,” Serge Cwajgenbaum, EJC Secretary General, said. “We will galvanize all legal means to fight this ban in Poland because the future of shechitah in Europe will have a direct bearing on the future of a Jewish community in Europe.”
Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, President of the CER, commented, “I was deeply disappointed during the debate in the Sejm, as shechita was portrayed as contrary to Polish culture. This line of argument constitutes a complete disregard for Polish history, and the proud contribution of Polish Jews to the country during 800 years of living side-by-side. We have arrived, due to the outcome of the vote, at a position which is simply untenable for the Jewish community in Poland & we must now act quickly to rectify this.”
“Attacks on this basic right to religious expression are an issue not only for Polish Jews but for all Europe’s Jewish & minority religious communities,” Piotr Kadlčik said. “Our Jewish way of life as full citizens of a democratic Europe is dependent on defending fundamental rights as enshrined in the EU’s Lisbon Treaty.”
Meanwhile, an organization founded and run by Chabad, the European Jewish Association, has attacked Schudrich & Polish Jewish leaders for allegedly refusing outside help to negotiate with the Polish government in the run-up to this week's vote – a charge Shudrich & other leaders vehemently deny.
Observers believe the Chabad front group is trying to use the Polish parliament's decision as a weapon against Shudrich in order to install a Lubavitcher as chief rabbi in place of Schudrich, just as Chabad has tried to do in other locations using similar tactics.
The JTA's story on the European Jewish Association's complaints originally correctly identified the group's leader, Rabbi Menachem Margolin, as a Chabad chossid.
“I harshly condemn Rabbi Schudrich’s conduct & call on him to resign,” said Menachem Margolin, a rabbi belonging to the Chabad movement & director of the Brussels-based European Jewish Association.
But the JTA changed that sentence on its website without issuing any correction or explanation, presumably because it makes Chabad-Lubavitch look bad in the eyes of donors to their non-profit news group.
The sentence now reads as follows.
“I harshly condemn Rabbi Schudrich’s conduct and call on him to resign,” said Rabbi Menachem Margolin, director of the Brussels-based European Jewish Association.
After bloggers exposed the JTA for this, the JTA put back the identification that Margolin is a Chabadnik.
Five organizations have banded together to oppose the sole applicant for dot-kosher, Kosher Marketing Assets, saying it seeks to profit from a sacred tradition that shouldn’t be over-commercialized. The two sides, which both are in the business of certifying food as kosher, are at odds over how Internet users will find such products in the future.
“We think that if the term ‘kosher,’ which has important meaning in the Jewish religion, is commercialized, it will do a disservice to how religion in general should be treated and will harm the kosher public specifically,” said Harvey Blitz, the Kashruth Commission chairman of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, one of the five groups. The New York-based organization oversees OU Kosher, the world’s largest certification agency.
Kosher Marketing Assets is a unit of OK Kosher Certification, a Brooklyn, New York-based competitor to OU Kosher. Rabbi Don Yoel Levy, OK Kosher’s CEO, said he never intended to control the potential domain name unilaterally and said he was open to working with the five groups -- the Orthodox Union, STAR-K Kosher Certification Inc., Chicago Rabbinical Council Inc., the Kashruth Council of Canada, and Kosher Supervision Service Inc., better known as the KOF-K.
Exclusive control of the domain name could give its owner sway over the kosher supply chain, said Larry Finkel, director of food research at Packaged Facts.
“It’s like losing access if you’re not tying into that domain,” Finkel said in an interview. “It’s sort of like being excluded from Wal-Mart.”
Applying for a gTLD doesn’t come cheap, at close to $200,000 including the evaluation fee and legal services, OK Kosher’s Levy said in a telephone interview.
Blitz of the Orthodox Union, which provides kosher certification to items like Duncan Hines cake mixes and StarKist Tuna, said his group had no advance notice of OK Kosher’s bid and moved to block it as soon as it learned of the application.
A meeting between the two sides produced no agreement. OK’s Levy says he invited the groups to join his organization in overseeing the dot-kosher domain name.
“They weren’t interested,” Levy said. “They don’t have to become our partners, but they can’t now complain we’re trying to brazenly control dot-kosher.”
The five groups have filed a formal objection with Icann and have also appealed to the new U.S. secretary of commerce, Penny Pritzker. Both sides have hired Washington lawyers to press their cases.
Thu Jul 18, 01:30:00 PM 2013
Business is business.
"you co-operate with me and the customers will 'shpatzeer' right in".
That's right. I shop there because I have more faith in what R' Yudel says than some of the local certifiers
' shop there because I have more faith in what R' Yudel says than'
Just wait untill Yudels changes his tune when the 'moola' stops flo'in in.
For some reason Evergreen considers chicken necks a "specialty" item and charge as much as regular chicken parts for them - $2.99 a lb! It's crazy. People usually expect chicken necks to cost less because they're mostly bones and are used to make the soup and then thrown out.
Did you send in your "goy/PR/Abid/mehican" to verify that what he tells you is really so????
Or is this some more wool over Yudels eyes?
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