The Agunah crisis-What's the answer? 5 Town Jewish area
If you had at the Wedding any of the below signed 53 Rabbis as one of the "witnesses", the marriage can be annulled as none of them are kosher for a witness at a Jewish marriage ceremony, or for a Minyan, etc.
Brilliant, For a "just-in-case" situation-
Can we make a new kedushin with one of them as a witness?
The owner of the 5 Towns Jewish Slimes rag is "Larry" Gordon who grew up as a Lubavitcher yingel davening in 770 but moved to Lawrence to become Modern Orthodox. He stands for feminism and all kinds of other treifenna hashkofos but he also has a major profit incentive.
It's not the first time he has helped farkoyf the eress nachash from that Schonfeld machshayfa. It's one of those mutual negelvasser arrangements where she pays Larry handsomely to advertise her feminist firm in his rag.
Larry is a za feminist al kol ponim that he promoted Mendel Epstein's mamzerus racket on his front page without taking any ads from him. The timing could not have been better to expose Larry as the sleaze he is. Just a few hours after Larry's shleppers had dropped off all the rags by the distribution points, the FBI slapped handcuffs on Mendel, his co-conspirator Gimpel "zelche makkos" Wolmark, and were staging for the raid on Belsky's house.
Because Larry makes loads of money from OU & Rubashkin ads he provided the launch pad for gangster Aryeh Z Ginzberg to attack the rabbonim who refused to back the Rubashkin shnorr fest.
Larry was running ads for years from a tour company under Conservative "hashgocho". When he came under attack for it, he had the company appoint an Open Orthodox "rabbi" above the Conservative ones & pretended that he couldn't imagine what warranted the criticism if there is an "Orthodox hashgocho". That "Orthodox rabbi" agav advocates eating the non-kosher peacock min of oyf. What an oaf!
You hear plenty of sick politics & anti-Torah hashkofos from Larry but never a vort in lernen. He reads this blog because the last time someone made this point against him here, he sent his son on to the pages to share a dvar "Torah". He should have spared everyone however because it was nothing but a bizarre, twisted attack on Rav Schach ztl that the louse packaged as a shtikel "Torah". Seems that IGNORANT Lubavs who stray from their roots still maintain some kind of "connection".
He can join the Lakewood-Flatbush Litvishe Feminest Rabbonim
Separate the fake "agunos" from the real ones & you"ll see there aren't many left.
Some "crisis" from that little pipsqueak Jeremy with the bullhorn.
Noch ah Chelehmeh choolemeh looking to get Larry's attention.
He is to busy depositing all that clean profit and has no time for your shtusim.
You'd do more for yiddishkeit if you sat and studied some Torah instead of judging, uncovering and otherwise mixing into other peoples business.
"clean profit" is what Yanky calls shvartz profit but only because 5TJT is taking ads from customers of West Side Kosher, otherwise Gordon is exactly the kind of character that Yanky would be blogging against as part of his vehigeesa bo yomam velayla blogging
R' Avrohom Yehoshua summed up this inyan befarhesya when he called the Philly Kaminetzkys reshoyim.
When there was a legitimate agunah in the alter Haim altz the Nazis or previous wars, the dayanim would be yoshev btaanis. But look how the ainam hagunim dorten in Amerika go running (when there is money in it) to be "mattir" eishis ish like it's a big joke.
Besides all the other things that are so messed up in Baltimore & Star K, Rabbi Heinemann is also pro-ORA. Where does he get all his warped hashkofos from? It certainly wasn't from Lakewood. This feminism is just another item in the long list of his positions that every single legitimate posek without exception is against. Can someone then explain how Heinemann is still considered part of the Charedi oylam and gets to lead an Agudah shul?
Is there any rabbi or Rov that is doing the job right??
Even in Israel - even the big names - are being fooled and mislead acccording to shvitzers such as 6:50 and their clan.
Nobody is good enough for them.
There is only ONE gadol in Israel who some reshoyim are taking advantage of him in his advanced age to get him to repeat their manipulations. 8:32 pm is inflating it to something much, much larger - which it isn't. All because 8:32 pm does not want the valid point to be made about Heinemann. And we all know who 8:32 pm is - the guy who doesn't want the Heinemann point to be made because it's one that R' Yudel makes every time Heinemann runs afoul of all the gedolim - which is very often!
Is the sadigura rebbe moshiach ?
If the WHOLE story would be posted objectively so that people can make a objective decision what to follow would be the most Yashrus path to follow.
When one posts predecided bits and pieces about anyone in order to predecide for the reader how to proceed, based on prechosen Poskim and accuse other Established gedolim of being bamboozeled as is the tradition among many determined posters for many years, that proves how true their agendas are and how truthful their posts or comments are.
Just tell the WHOLE story and let the chips fall where they may.
BTW: Reb Yudel has made the world aware of Kashrus issues more then anyone else EVEN when others, and sometimes it’s many others, do not agree with him.
Let that never be forgotten.
There have always been dishonest people who claimed that certain gedolim were manipulated. But in R' Chaim's case it is clear what is unfortunately happening. Some of the other gedolim have been publicly moyche against his manipulators.
These things sometimes really happen so some of the incidents are true.
A rosh yeshiva who was involved in the mayseh told me that in the previous dor there were some crazy kanoyee baal habatim who didn't like how some gedolim shtelled avek a system for shidduchim. So they went to R' Elya and lied to him about the protim knowing that after scaremongering him with lies he would asser it. Kach hava so they started attacking the rabbonim involved & bashmutzing Rav Gifter who was one of 2 gedolim who authorized it. A 2nd gadol who I'm not naming here quickly bailed out because he knew they would come for him next. R' Elya later learned he was duped but the crazy kanoyim had already caused so much damage that it couldn't be salvaged at that point.
Some more Terorrist deciding what and when Gedolim are duped or not by accusing other kanaim of duping.
Those other kanaim also said the godol has dementia so let’s straighten him out....
"Some more Terorrist deciding what and when Gedolim are duped"
You heard it right there from the horse's mouth, the nut with the agenda is even calling R' Elya a "Terrorist" as R' Elya himself realized later that the crazy kanoyim duped him.
While Sleepy Joe Biden is a mental invalid, his handlers are not.
Shvartza Kamala is married to meshumod Dougie Emhoff Esq. who grew up in this NJ temple.
This is calculated to bring back the Liberal Jewish vote scared off by Obama. The loser Liberals will probably view the meshumod as a plus even though Kamala is pro-nuclear-Iran and most other things detrimental to Israel. There is enough of a mirage for the Liberals to delude themselves that this is not Obama Act II when the climate is right to become even more boldly anti-Israel than Obama would dare.
Me darft mispalel zein!
...even calling R' Elya a "Terrorist"...
Our dreamer is inferring that Reb Elya duped himself by 'playing' terrorist and Godol at the same time.
Thats what the horse is saying. Not anyone else.
11:59 am is purposely distorting. You know what happened with R' Elya, so stop lying to make your opponent look bad. Which he is only your opponent because he stated a fact that sometimes gedolim are used by dishonest people. If you insist it never happens without exception, you need your head examined.
Many people in Boro Park-Flatbush are bakant with the mayseh because the shidduch event took place there. The thugs attacked a few of the local poskim as well who had conferred with Rav Gifter. R' Elya felt terrible when he figured out he had been deceived.
Only Reb Elya can be dupped. The Israeli gedolim can’t be dupped???
So they put out a letter ( usually without consulting other side to see if the Loshon Hirohito is true) and that is not being dupped.
The terrorist/activist are hard at work dipping whomever they can.
Just as one minor example see:
YouTube: Pride?! Its only pride
You’ll be shocked how these heiligeh marchers come to gedolim with predetermined answers just looking for an approval from some godol so they can “patch themselves on the baichel” and say “ I know what the gedolim will say. And if the godol disagrees woe is to him ( godol) B”H Rav shteiman did not fall for their shenanigans. But it took a lot of effort and “stubbornness” on Rav Shteinmanns part to shut those guys up.
IF Reb Elya could of been deceived so can any other Godol be deceived, including but not limited to the dreamers Godol list.
“.. Rav Elyashev, R' Shlomo Zalman, Rav Waldenberg, Rav Wosner, Rav Sternbuch, etc, etc, etc...”
The only Godol shehbiGedolim, the ‘holy son’ (or is it holy grandson?), can’t be deceived.
When he thought he would win the argument that way, he insisted that gedolim are above being duped - only apikorsim would suggest such a thing could even happen.
After he lost the argument, he suddenly agrees yes R' Elya was duped in the parsha of shidduchim so that's a "raaya" that when every single major posek in the last 40 years had it in for molesters, it's because they were ALL duped too.
This would be comical if it wasn't so twisted & corrupt how this propagandist will say any lie when it suits him, that advances cover up for his beloved child molesters.
Here is some of the stuff that is MADE UP:
So let’s see what your “Rebbi moovhag” Paulie had to say about Gedolim.
Will start with 1 sample and pre- apologize on the chillul HaShem.
Here is one of those Paulie’s pesakim (direct quote):
"R' Elyashiv today is doing more harm than good to the ENTIRE klal, that includes all jews from all stripes."
There is plenty more on all gedolim including those from hundreds of years ago.
Paul (son of Mendel) is an Apikores.↵
And an immature baby busy with his colored tie narishkeit
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