ALERT: The High Dent toothbrushes does hold water, therefore not be used on Shabbos, even though the package and Hashgocha say for Shabbos use-
Which posek holds like this? They told us in yeshivos that the toothbrush is not the problem (as long as your teeth don’t bleed & you don’t wash it when finished to be maychen for post-Shabbos use)
R’ Shlomo Zalman holds there’s zicher no sechita from such water or any water that’s not geshmak & goes l’eebud. I could see that maybe a big machmir in Shabbos like Kashau Ruv could have a problem. Dach zich he’s the only one that holds ledugma that plungering a toilet bowl is assur min Hatorah
Which posek holds like this? They told us in yeshivos that the toothbrush is not the problem (as long as your teeth don’t bleed & you don’t wash it when finished to be maychen for post-Shabbos use)
Our house posek Acheron poskened and that’s the Law.
R’ Shlomo Zalman holds there’s zicher no sechita from such water or any water that’s not geshmak & goes l’eebud. I could see that maybe a big machmir in Shabbos like Kashau Ruv could have a problem. Dach zich he’s the only one that holds ledugma that plungering a toilet bowl is assur min Hatorah
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