Wednesday, January 15, 2025

ALERT: The High Dent toothbrushes does hold water, therefore not be used on Shabbos, even though the package and Hashgocha say for Shabbos use-



Anonymous said...

Which posek holds like this? They told us in yeshivos that the toothbrush is not the problem (as long as your teeth don’t bleed & you don’t wash it when finished to be maychen for post-Shabbos use)

Anonymous said...

Our house posek Acheron poskened and that’s the Law.

Shabbos hee milizoik said...

R’ Shlomo Zalman holds there’s zicher no sechita from such water or any water that’s not geshmak & goes l’eebud. I could see that maybe a big machmir in Shabbos like Kashau Ruv could have a problem. Dach zich he’s the only one that holds ledugma that plungering a toilet bowl is assur min Hatorah