Monday, May 01, 2023

So many Kosher chinese restaurants, why? ask the gullible Jewish customers-

Some (but, not all) of the secrets.

i.e. what goes into the stockpot.


Anonymous said...

There are so many that even Reb Yudel Shlit'a fell into the Chinese trap and only emerged with 50% Kosher.

Anonymous said...

For years, Schmulke Bernstein was dogged by rumors that a hashgocho caught them with treif. What takkeh happened?

Passé Ick said...

Seems they pulled "a Yechezkel Auerbach" with Schmulk's that the YU rabbis running Passaic-Clifton Kashrus executed so masterfully. Be in denial about everything until the tumult dies down . And have your fellow Moderner baal habos of a PCK milchdik joint get hot under the collar if he hears anyone categorizing the Passaic Chinese outcome as a cover up.

Chometz said...

Anonymous said...

Why so many Chinese restaurants ?
Answer pretty simple. If you know who gaqve or still gives hashgacha to chinese 105 'Cliff Hanger' place we aqll assume that a chinese place is the easiest hashgacha to give.
Just saying....