Sunday, December 29, 2024

Update: The unfinished battle against the modern "Misyavinim" - They are ALL our fellow Jews R"L [The רבים ביד מעטים וכו' will triumph]

R' Yosef Fund was removed by Reb Shlomo Miller, Shlita (Bais Horah D'Lakewood) 
 from the Bais Horah Bais Din. KCL still keeps Yosef Fund with his wild Heteirim.

From an Email:

Rav Shimon Schwab spoke at a convention about "The unfinished battle against the modern "Misyavinim". We think there is another modern "Misyavnim" brewing ........

The Misyavnim are your Friedlanders, Eichtensteins, Lakewood Vaad,  
Agudah, Members of Mo'etezes, Garry Schaer, Avi Schnall, et al, a$$konim, Roshei Moisdois, Kehilas Chareidim, D'Lakewood, KCL, etc. 

מהרסיך ומחריביך ממך יצאו

Agudah's Avi Schnall officially confirmed that Agudah will always court the Democrats, because that's where the money is (just like Willie Sutton said).

The Misyavnim even refer to the חשמונאים as ולא תהיו כקורח ועדתו ר"ל


Anonymous said...

For the record there is only ONE " the discernible consumer" out there. His name is : HaGaon HoRav Moireinee VeRabrinee Reb Yeedle Shain.

Anonymous said...

I would believe the blogger more if I saw his 'proofs' instead of baseless inuendos.

it is one thing to say that something is treif. It is another matter to prove it. Yudel Shain has a platform. He has many followers, yet I still have yet to see him publish a nikkur manual to show us how he treibors. Putting it on this website in hebrew, yiddish and english is a must. Then we can compare it with what others do.

Yudel - are you capable of doing it?

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Rabbi Shain learned nikkur by Shimon Mendelowitz in Mansey?

Anonymous said...

if ones life is occupied by 'toomling' that leads to more 'toomling' and ends up with a 'toomling' blog i.e. 'yudelstake'.

Anonymous said...

I think this is the one thing everyone who knows kashrus agrees to

Denteest said...

Anonymous said...

The Misyanim are not the Schumers, Schiffs, Nadlers, etc.

The Misyavnim are your Friedlanders, Eichtensteins, Lakewood Vaad, Agudah, Garry Schaer, etc.

מהרסיך ומחריביך ממך יצאו

Quack Quack Menachem Genack said...

My OU mashgiach vos voint in Queens who has a front row seat here to grepss & shokkel his gragger against every idea of Rabbi Shain, even has an auntie named Helen, which is the most popular veibishe name of both ancient Yevonim & modern day Greeks.

Anonymous said...

Quoting classic and more modern secular lines is worse then just sloppy kashris.
Since you are legitimizing those misyavnim by using them as a source for your cute quotes.

Anonymous said...

Quack Quack indeed.
CCRC has the lead.
He is pure clean
Just like the kapokreh heen

Anonymous said...

Reb yudel, beuty pic of you on top of article.

Anonymous said...

FYI- The Agudas Turkey convention in Parsippany had the food's kashrus can only be duplicated after Mashiach comes.

Very impressive indeed.

Rabbi Fishbane opened the kashrus program with two stories about the KCL Hashgocha, which is nothing to write home about.

You think he ate there?, sure bet he did.

They all have to cover each other, as Reb Yudel calls it, נזהר בנטילת ידיים wher one hand washes the other one.

Chronicles of an OU Missionary? said...

The mashgiach never stops with his hypocrisy. Today's whopper is him kvetching over "classic & modern secular lines"

Compare this to when the mashgiach engages in his weird habit (for someone his age) of often using goyishe shprach from the 1950s.

He used to parrott this line all the time until he was called out on it & was too embarrassed to keep repeating it, as it was pointed out that the original mechaber is a bigshot avoida zaranik galich from Yavan!

Beis Brisk said...

נזהר בנטילת ידיים

R' Yudel actually calls it negelvasser, which as the more filthy option is more appropriate for that shnit who R' Chaim warned would be void of daas Torah by this dor already.

YSV the Root of All Evil said...

So Moish Finkel's replacement, YSV El Presidente / El Supremo, Sruly Orzel, threw his weight around to push himself into Kovod Zucher Top Slot at the Agudah Convention. Nothing less than the Motzaei Shabbos Address will do for the invincible ones from Yeshiva of Spring Valley.

Poor Shloimie Werdiger may have been completely crowded out of getting captured by the photographer's lens by Orzel's rather hefty frame!

Finkel is not the only YSV President who should be ashamed to show his face to gedolim. How does Orzel have the nerve to get up there in front of everyone when he has a years long history of making empty promises to gedolim about kids who need a yeshiva, putting on a fake enthusiastic act that he will help, and then laughing over the many follow up calls where he is mevazeh the gedolim by not even coming to the phone?

At least if it's true that the convention kashrus is so bad, anyone from YSV should feel like they're mamash at home!

Anonymous said...

Nu. For CCRC’s sake let’s give him some fodder.
( kaparah heen needs fodder)
Let call a spade ah yevani:
CCRC is the zeal he Kranke neshama. If someone could give us his Hebrew bame - vs his secular name and his mother’s name (Helen (nistik) name not accepted) so we can mention him in Atah Chonen to plead with Hkbh to give him just a bit of simple Daas.

Anonymous said...

Be sure to note the additional prayer of zeydaim b'yad oskei Torasacha aside from the regular v'hazaydim tikar v'tshaber. May we see it bzman hzeh!

Agudah Fresser said...

"Agudah's Avi Schnall officially confirmed that Agudah will always court the Democrats, because that's where the money is (just like Willie Sutton)"

Willie had a pistol. Avi can just sit on Phil Murphy to get his way.

Anonymous said...

Get a look at this:

Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Rabbi Yudel Shain has been on the forefront of "Honest & Reliable Kosher Certifications" for decades!
Long Island rabbis accused of ‘Mafia-like’ methods in kosher turf battle

Why did the Oirev go to the Zarzir ???

They want a seat next to each other up there.
Right behind Reb Shragah Faivel.
Close your eyes on the way up so you won't be disappointed when you both got to make that u-turn and go back down and further down.

Anonymous said...

Let's go Brandon, get rid of all the Misyavnim- Aguda, fake Askonim, vaads, etc.

Anonymous said...

If it was said at the misyavnim convention then it’s meaningless.and if (Rav) Schwab attended the musyavnim convention then in Yudel logic he is a misyavain as well (Chas Vesholan).
You can’t have it both ways. Either you smell the coffee or you do Bakshish.

Anonymous said...

When Reb Elya was there, he made sure that no Misyavnim shitos were brought in.


Rav Schwab said it years ago.

Anonymous said...

Instead, he brought in biryonim

Ziggy said...

What are you saying, R' Klein from Satmar doesn't agree with your shita, neither does the kashover rebbes children, you need help, don't litigate, mediate, שים שלום shalom bayit, shalom workforce, ORA, Rabbi Kaminetzki, who you as we say in חב"ד, שלום פאפי

Anonymous said...

Who brought in the biryonim

Anonymous said...

That was a fast taxi ride from a Agudah convention… to at a convention….(omitting Agudah). How much Bakshish for this Shain ride???

Gay Aveck said...

The Yevonim brought toyevah into the open, episs anderish from Gary in Passaic who is keeping it in the closet

OU Eyepopper said...

The OU's rabbi David Bashevkin is making noise for the wrong reasons, again.

He was previously seen as the propaganda tool for the OU to not lose any $$ on pork flavor snacks with a CHAZIR prominetly featured on the packaging. The OU had Bashevkin starring in an infomercial as Chief Clown & sidekick to rabbi Elefant trying to convince everyone why such a product is good for them.

Before that, Bashevkin hosted YU "rosh yeshiva" Marc Penner on his podcast to promote Penner's binge for toieveh acceptance. It seems that Penner is all toieveh acceptance all the time ever since Penner's son with the ponytail got "married" to a non-orthodox clergyman.

Now, in the last paragraph of this article, Bashevkin shamelessly announces that he is a fan & weekly viewer of the television show "Saturday Night Live", which is a yesod of letzonus & much worse.

Who knew that OU officials are at the forefront of promoting such 'wholesome' values?

A mashgiach who cares said...

If it wasn't bad enough that Bashevkin makes a mockery on behalf of OU's kashrus division, the OU put this krum guy in charge of their kiruv arm!

Spotlight on the Queens Vaad said...

Marc Penner is a long time figure on the Queens Vaad.

Where else would he be a za appropriate fit?!

Anonymous said...

The Queens Vaad is mentioned here so often. Are they the apex of perfect Kashrus that all try to match them?
Is the jealousy so blatant?

Anonymous said...

Most of us stayed far away from SNL & those stuff
Here is from somebody who used to enjoy it once,but stays away from it now: They destroyed SNL by making it hyper-partisan and bitter. The first sign was when SNL moved from the Washington Post Entertainment section to the actual news. SNL no longer was about entertaining and bringing a nation together in combined cultural references but instead had transmogrified into a vicious, nasty left-wing propaganda piece.
And SNL’s degradation never was clearer than when it reacted to extraordinary congressional hearings when Rep. Elise Stefanik grilled the president of the University of Pennsylvania and elicited remarkable testimony that it can be OK to call publicly for the extermination of Jewish people. There was so much to satirize in Liz Magill’s live self-immolation. Instead, hateful of a Republican “who done well,” SNL went after Stefanik for exposing anti-Semitism in the Poison Ivy league.

Compare that with Bashevkin

Anonymous said...

This site exposes corruption letoyeles horabim, hence the apex predators in kashrus corruption get the most mentions.

But nice try to cover up for the Queens Vaad.

Anonymous said...

Friday 7:43 am. Accurate reading would give you more credibility. ““SNL’s Achilles Heel is thinking the joke is always on Trump. I’m a SNL fan but this was such a fail.” does NOT say he watches weekly.

Anonymous said...

Ah mimcheh in Deh Heiligeh bitul Zman Kelim. And ehr iz ah dayeh zooger as well.
Must be the new yeshivisheh derech (c”v).

Anonymous said...

Everything is letoeles harabim on this site.
Especially all the SNL fans.
And those are the ones who’ll eat anything and everything without hashgacha so they don’t happen upon Queens Vaad. Also letoeles harabim.
I got a bridge to sell you…

Cohen said...

It is pertinent.You are impudent

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It's the "Sherer Doctrine." Go with the money, all else can go to [fill in the blank].

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Yosef Fund, he's king of Misyavnim.

His special project is looking like ‘a Big Ben Torah’ these days

Anonymous said...

what's yosef fund's englishe education, college etc? they say it's an interesting background to say the least.

Anonymous said...

That why we make sheasah nissim ..banana Hazeh. They had Yudel in mind.