Sunday, December 29, 2024

Chanukah-The unfinished battle against the "Misyav'nim" or Helenists-aka Open-Orthodoxy

Rav Shimon Schwab spoke at a convention about;
  "The unfinished battle against the modern "Misyavinim"or Helenists. AKA Open-Orthodoxy

 One of the most overlooked aspects of the Chanukah struggle and its miracles is the fact that the Chashmonaim defeated not only the Assyrian Greeks but their culture as well. 

Hellenists or Misyavnim were Jews who felt they can incorporate and adopt non-Jewish culture and values into their Judaism. 

The victory of Chanukah was the defeating of this misguided notion as well. 

Looking into our lives,would some of us be considered modern Misyavnim or Helenists? Have secular culture and /or values infiltrated into our Judaism? Would the Chashmonaim of old have waged a cultural war against some of our modern Orthodox Judaism Rabbonim of today?

We must defeat the modern day Modern-Orthodox mindset, they are worse then the Misyavnim or Hellenists.


Yankel Bender said...

Phew! For a second there I thought Secular Haredism was also going to get lumped into this.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone drank too much on this Purim meshulosh Katan and confused chanukkah with Purim.
So too will the confusion continue at the golf club in a few hours.

Anonymous said...

Reb Yankel, you can still speak at the IDF welcome center. You can still raise funds for Shai Goucher and have him speak to your talmidim.. Don't worry about Reb Dov shlta or what he says. Torah Umesorah will keep you on top whatever you say or do.