Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Coaching Vs Therapists


Coaching vs. Therapy

A common misconception is that coaching is the same as therapy, when in fact they are quite different. Therapy is intended to help people recover from emotional or other psychological disorders such as depression or anxiety. Coaching, on the other hand, is intended to help normal, healthy individuals achieve personal goals such as increased happiness, weight loss, improved work-life balance. etc.

The table below shows a quick side-by-side comparison of coaching vs. therapy

Coaching and Therapy

Coaching Therapy
Client is emotionally and psychologically healthy Client is emotionally unwell and in needs healing
Focuses on the present and future Focuses on dealing with the past
Driven by goals and taking action Driven by unresolved issues and feelings
Works toward a higher level of functioning Works to achieve understanding and emotional healing
Results-based and focuses on exploring solutions Explores the root of problems and offers explanation
Asks, “Where would you like to be and how can you get there?” Asks, “How did that make you feel?”
Acts on information Absorbs information
Done over the phone, internet or in person Done in an office setting
Coach and client collaborate on solutions Therapist is the ‘expert’
Contact between sessions expected (accountability and wins) Contact between sessions for crisis and difficulties only


Anonymous said...

Coach bills a reasonable amount, some therapists are greedy fressers who bill as if they are lawyers

Coach would take insurance if it was possible, most heimishe therapists greedily refuse to take any insurance and demand cash only

Coach is likely sane, most therapists are themselves getting mental health treatment

Anonymous said...

Simply not true. As a LMHC, my clients are generally not unwell, I prefer to call them stuck. I use SFBT which totally does not focus on any problems, rather solutions . We talk about how to "get there." And except for a minority of theoretical orientations the client is always the expert. What is coaching anyway?

Anonymous said...

Mon Nov 25, 10:24:00 AM 2019
Simply not true.

Exuse me, How dare you oppose Yudel's truths ??

Anonymous said...

Do you feel threatened by coaching marketplace?

Anonymous said...

Therapists cause much more problems that what the solve.
But Reb Yudel says, after studying Rabbi Ben Tzion Shafier "THE SHMUZ" 10 rely dumb mistakes book, it beats all of the coaches as well.

Anonymous said...

As a example:
Yudel is your coach to help you eat what’s truly Kosher.
If you didn’t follow Yudel then you need a therapist to help you with your guilty feelings for not following Yudel.

Anonymous said...

Would be nice if you give credit when you copy from a website. https://www.noomii.com/article/coaching-vs-therapy
That’s part of kashrut of a person

Anonymous said...

Yudel CAN'T give away where, how or What he finds. He'll be useless if he does that.

Farkert said...

There's almost nothing to "nail" R' Yudel on. Even if you want to falsely blame him for copying websites (which it's klor that baal sinas chinam 1:46 pm does), you simply can't because R' Yudel's content is usually breaking news & insights not yet reported elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Mon Jun 03, 07:04:00 PM 2024

You got to go back and do pre-one-a and take up comprehension.
You must of attended pre-one-f.

Finally 'you know who' gave Yudel a complement of how he digs up stuff no one else does or can
Comes along this Chochim and plappeles more of his brilliance.

Anonymous said...

Mincha Ketana in Simchas Torah was 3:47 pm.
Can anyone be melmed zechut as to why a large Yeshivah finished Davening at 4:00 pm and never got the real seudah (washing on challa etc) started before the Zman for starting a seudah on erev shabbos ???
Is Halacha Halacha or is it optional in some cases ???
At least something embarrassing like should not be publicized!!!